

  • opnet 这个可能是商业化程度最好的网络仿真软件了
  • Omnet++ 学术研究和非盈利使用是可以Free享用的。如果用作商业用途,则需要购买License
  • NS2 开源社区使用的最多的一个仿真器。这个列表收集了很多和NS2相关的资料
  • inet 基于幂律的PLGR算法。大量利用了BGP的数据来产生相关参数,生成的拓扑图可信度很高。很多文章都使用这个工具来生成网络拓扑。
  • Brite 可惜这个工具不再被开发者发展了。Brite能够实现Waxman、基于幂律的BA算法和基于层次模型的GT-ITM算法。代码是用java写的。
CAIDA 这个是internet网络分析和研究的大本营了。上面的论文和数据都很多。






ps.这几天被Ubuntu Edgy 上教育网直通车的问题搞疯了,没有什么时间来blog,希望可以早点儿搞定。刚买不久的鼠标又坏了,郁闷。下次一定买个好点儿的,用个几年。



......I've always believed in numbers and the equations and logics that lead to reason.But after a life time of such pursuits,I ask,"What truly is logic? Who decides reason?" My quest has taken me through the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional -- and back.

And I have made the most important discovery of my career, the most important discovery of my life:It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reasons can be found. I'm only here tonight because of you.

You are the reason I am. You are all my reasons.


DHT Read List

希迁注:The original list copied from this page. I read some of the papers in this list and so want to give some notes on them. I also add some links and content to the list. It is really a good habit to collect literature in a list.

CAN (Content-Addressable Network)
  • A Scalable Content-Addressable Network. Sylvia Ratnasamy (University of California at
    Berkeley and ACIRI), Paul Francis (Tahoe Networks), Mark Handley (ACIRI), Richard Karp (U.C. Berkeley and ACIRI), Scott Shenker (ACIRI)
  • Serving DNS using a Peer-to-Peer Lookup Service. Cox, R.; Muthitacharoen, A. and Morris, R.T. The DNS security extensions (DNSSEC) allow verification of records obtained by alternate means, opening exploration of alternative storage systems for DNS records. We explore one alternative using DHash, a peer-to-peer distributed hash table built on top of Chord.
  • Wide-area cooperative storage with CFS. Dabek, F.; Kaashoek M.F.; Karger, D.; et al. The Cooperative File System (CFS) is a new peer-to-peer read-only storage system that provides provable guarantees for the efficiency, robustness, and load-balance of file storage and retrieval.
  • Building Peer-to-Peer Systems with Chord, a Distributed Lookup Service. Dabek, F.; Brunskill, E.; Kaashoek, M.F.; et al. The core problem facing peer-to-peer systems is locating documents in a decentralized network and propose Chord, a distributed lookup primitive. Chord provides an efficient method of locating documents while placing few constraints on the applications that use it.
  • The Circle

    The Circle: one ring, no rulers. The Circle is an open source scalable decentralized peer-to-peer application. The Circle is written in Python and it runs on Linux and Windows. At the core of the Circle is a decentralized hash table, or "Chord". Very interesting PDF slides available here.

Pastry, Scribe, PAST, ...
  • Security for structured peer-to-peer overlay networks. Castro, M.; Druschel, P.; Ganesh, A.; et al. Current overlays are not secure; even a small fraction of malicious nodes can prevent correct message delivery throughout the overlay. This paper studies attacks aimed to preventing correct message delivery in structured peer-to-peer overlays and presents defenses to these attacks.
  • SplitStream: High-bandwidth multicast in a cooperative environment. Castro, M.; Druschel, P; Kermarrec, A.M.; et al. In tree-based multicast systems, a relatively small number of interior nodes carry the load of forwarding multicast messages. This works well when the interior nodes are highlyavailable, dedicated infrastructure routers but it poses a problem for application-level multicast in peer-to-peer systems. SplitStream addresses this problem by striping the content across a forest of interior-node-disjoint multicast trees that distributes the forwarding load among all participating peers.
Tapestry, Bayeux, OceanStore, ...
  • Exploiting Routing Redundancy via Structured Peer-to-Peer Overlays. Zhao, B.Y.; Huang, L.; Stribling, J.; et al. In this paper, we present two adaptive mechanisms for structured overlays and illustrate their operation in the context of Tapestry, a fault-resilient overlay from Berkeley. We also describe a transparent, protocol-independent traffic redirection mechanism that tunnels legacy application traffic through overlays.
  • Tapestry: A Resilient Global-scale Overlay for Service Deployment. Zhao, B.Y.; Huang, L; Stribling, J.; et al. We present Tapestry, a peer-to-peer overlay routing infrastructure offering efficient, scalable, location-independent routing of messages directly to nearby copies of an object or service using only localized resources.
  • Brocade: landmark routing on overlay networks. Zhao, B.Y.; Duan, Y.; Huang, L.; et al. In this paper, we propose a systemic design for a secondary overlay of super-nodes which can be used to deliver messages directly to the destination's local network, thus improving route efficiency.
  • OceanStore: An Architecture for Global-scale Persistent Storage. Kubiatowicz, J.; Bindel, D.; Chen, Y.; et al. OceanStore is a utility infrastructure designed to span the globe and provide continuous access to persistent information. Since this infrastructure is comprised of untrusted servers, data is protected through redundancy and cryptographic techniques. To improve performance, data is allowed to be cached anywhere, anytime.
  • Viceroy: A Scalable and Dynamic Emulation of the Butterfly. Malkhi, D.; Naor, M. and Ratajczak, D. We propose a family of constant-degree routing networks of logarithmic diameter, with the additional property that the addition or removal of a node to the network requires no global coordination, and only a constant number of linkage changes in expectation, and a logarithmic number with high probability.
  • Handling Churn in a DHT. Sean Rhea, Dennis Geels, Timothy Roscoe, and John Kubiatowicz. Proceedings of the USENIX Annual Technical Conference, June 2004.

  • Towards a Common API for Structured Peer-to-Peer Overlays. Dabek, F.; Zhao, B.Y.; Druschel, P.; et al. In this paper, we describe an ongoing effort to define common APIs for structured peer-to-peer overlays and the key abstractions that can be built on them. In doing so, we hope to facilitate independent innovation in overlay protocols, services, and applications, to allow direct experimental comparisons, and to encourage application development by third parties.
  • Sloppy hashing and self-organizing clusters. Freedman, M.J. and Mazières, D. We are building Coral, a peer-to-peer content distribution system. Coral creates self-organizing clusters of nodes that fetch information from each other to avoid communicating with more distant or heavily-loaded servers.
  • Koorde: A simple degree-optimal distributed hash table. Kaashoek, M.F. and Karger, D.R. Koorde1 is a new distributed hash table (DHT) based on Chord and the de Bruijn graphs. While inheriting the simplicity of Chord, Koorde meets various lower bounds, such as O(log n) hops per lookup request with only 2 neighbors per node (where n is the number of nodes in the DHT), and O(log n/ log log n) hops per lookup request with O(log n) neighbors per node
  • Scooped, Again. Ledlie, J.; Shneidman, J.; Seltzer, M; et al. Very interesting paper focusing on the Grid an p2p features.
  • SOMO: Self-Organized Metadata Overlay for Resource Management in P2P DHT. Zhang, Z.; Shi, S.M. and Zhu, J. In this paper, we first describe the concept of data overlay, which is a mechanism to implement arbitrary data structure on top of any structured P2P DHT. With this abstraction, we developed a highly scalable, efficient and robust infrastructure, called SOMO, to perform resource management for P2P DHT.
  • The Swan Project. Bonsma, E.; Hoile, C. SWAN (Small World Adaptive Networks) is a fully decentralised look-up system for Peer-to-Peer applications. In SWAN, information self-organises into a Small World Network, exploiting the principle of "six degrees of separation" to efficiently find resources without resorting to centralised look-up. The basic technology has been tested and is currently being built into serveral prototype applications, including iAnnotate and iLiftShare.
  • Efficient Broadcast in Structured P2P Networks. El-Ansary, S.; Alima, L.O.; Brand, P.; et al. In this position paper, we present an efficient algorithm for performing a broadcast operation with minimal cost in structured DHT-based P2P networks.
  • Complex Queries in DHT-based Peer-to-Peer Networks. Harren, M.; Hellerstein, J.M.; Huebsch, R; et al. This paper outlines a research agenda for building complex query facilities on top of these DHT-based P2P systems. We describe the issues involved and outline our research plan and current status.
  • Efficient Peer-to-Peer Lookup Based on a Distributed Trie. Freedman, M.J. and Vingralek, R. Two main approaches have been taken for distributed key/value lookup operations in peer-to-peer systems: broadcast searches and location-deterministic algorithms. We describe a third alternative based on a distributed trie. This algorithm functions well in a very dynamic, hostile environment, offering security benefits over prior proposals.








2004年3月12日 阴
1. 给F写了一封信;
2. 收到W的打印文档;
3. 搞定了开题报告;
4. 收到张的打印文档。
2004年3月16日 晴
Prepare for the MPI PPT(讲计算机体系结构,MPI的通信方式,MPI的数据模式);

1. 有几台机器改动IP后无法上网,没有搞定;
a. T没有到;
b. X和S的PPT表现力不强,细节问题没有讲清楚;
c. J的多数PPT业做的很少,数据库要求自己使用;
d. L的PPT过于复杂,细节要加强;
e. C没有PPT,要求其与J多联系。










今天起来发现 beta.blogger.com也无法访问了。这样,即使通过inblogs来看我的blog都会显示有些不正常,因为有一些Javascript和图片是在beta.blogger.com上的。我写Blog也变得麻烦得多了,要通过privoxy和Tor(vidalia)绕过国内的防火墙。这样速度很慢,到上传图片的时候就很麻烦。不过这段时间只好如此。默默的等到解封的那一天吧。
